Publishing Partners
- University of Szczecin, Faculty of Economics and Management, Poland
- University of Presov, Faculty of Management, Slovak Republic
- Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam
- Pan-European University, Faculty of Economics and Business, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
- University of Business and Law, Prague, Czech Republic
- The University College of Business in Prague, Czech Republic
- Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Faculty of Social and Economic Relations, Slovak Republic
- Széchenyi István University, Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics, Hungary
- Obuda University Budapest, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management, Hungary
University of Szczecin
The University of Szczecin is the biggest higher education institution in north-west Poland. It was founded on 1st September 1985 through the merger of three education institutions - Academy of Commerce, Faculty of Engineering and Economics of Technical University and Higher School of Pedagogy. The University can boast full academic autonomy; its faculties have the right to confer the titles of Bachelor, Master, Doctor and Assistant-professor. The University of Szczecin employs over 1,100 academic teachers and educates 20 thousand students. The Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of the University of Szczecin has good traditions in the field of economics, finance and management. Its academic staff are highly qualified specialists who conduct academic research on a high level and give the benefit of their knowledge and experience not only to their students, but also to the whole region. The staff of academics and researchers includes 200 people, of whom 40 are professors. One of the FEM’s assets is its Library – the oldest and the biggest economic libraries at Szczecin University and one of the most modern library in the region and in the country. FEM provides study programs both in Polish and in English and also a special course in Polish and German. Study areas: Economics, Finance and Accounting, Information Technology and Econometrics, and Management. FEM cooperates with Faculty of Management and Economics (FaME), Tomas Bata University in Zlín, in the area of scientific research in the scope of international projects. For example within the Visegrad Fund, next to others, it is a project FaME/2013/MSPRISK: Topical trends in the area of enterprise risks of small and medium sized companies in selected regions of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. Another significant area of cooperation is preparation of international scientific conferences and mutual publication activity. As a part of international cooperation many scientific studies were published by FEM and FaME staff via Scopus and Web of Science. FEM and FaME also cooperate on publishing the Journal of Competitiveness.
University of Presov, Faculty of Management
The Faculty of Management (FM) of Prešov University in Prešov provides university education not only in the area of Management and Environmental Management, but also in the area of Tourism, Hotel Industry and Spa Industry. Based on its accreditations the Faculty has the right to operate Bachelor and Master Degrees studies, doctoral rigorous examinations, habilitations and conferment of Professor Degree. Management of the Faculty of Management PU in Prešov put strong emphasis on scientific research. Faculty staff has successfully worked on 35 scientific research projects, from which 21 were research grants provided by external Grant Agencies including seven international projects. The staff members are currently working on eight research grants within the scope of external grant agencies, out of which four are international projects. FM cooperates with FaME in the area of science, research and publishing. In the past both Faculties took part in realisation of international scientific conference Finance and company productivity in science, education and practice. This conference is organised by the Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín and academic workers from FM publish their scientific work results in the Journal of Competitiveness. The staffs from both Faculties cooperate in the area of science, research and publishing. In the past they prepared several works which were published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. FM is a publishing partner for the Journal of Competitiveness.
Ton Duc Thang University
Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU), a young and aspiring university in vibrant Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s economic and educational hub, is proudly committed to Vietnam’s human development and sustainable growth into the 21st century. Established in 1997, TDTU has steadily developed into one of the largest and fastest growing universities in Vietnam. The mission of the Facultof Finance and Banking y deals with important orientation of study of the conditions of market economy. The study program provides knowledge of the problems of financial markets, banking, insurance, national and local budgets and public finance. The study program is basic knowledge supplemented with basic knowledge of accounting, financial statement analysis and financial management.
Faculty of Finance and Banking (FFB) is characterized by following strengths. Training programs are always updated and innovated to meet the demands of the society. The faculty maintains close relationship with domestic banks, enterprises, accounting – auditing companies and prestigious training partners in the world. The faculty offers modern simulation room with the latest equipment and program study in practice.
TDTU and FaME closely cooperate in a broad spectrum of activities based on several international agreements. Their cooperation on scientific research forms an important part of their mutual activities. TDTU and FaME mutually organise, next to others, the International Conference on Finance and Economics. Our partners from Vietnam regularly publish their scientific research results at the conference Finance and company productivity in science, education and practice which is organised by the Faculty of Management and Economics. TDTU is a publishing partner of the Journal of Competitiveness.
Pan-European University, Faculty of Economics and Business
The Pan-European University (hereinafter referred to as “PEU”) is a private higher education institution based in Bratislava, the capital of Slovak Republic. Since its founding in 2004 the PEU brings a profile of one of the most dynamically developing institutions of higher education in the region of Central Europe, aiming to become an outstanding modern educational and research institution. Currently, the PEU offers university education at its five faculties- the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Mass-Media, Faculty of Informatics and Faculty of Psychology. The PEU is the only private HEI in Slovakia which offers PhD. programs, doctoral proceedings (rigorosum) and holds the right of habilitations and inaugurations of professors.
An early membership in the ERASMUS programme of the European Union enabled the Pan-European University to gain academic standing in the European Union and to participate in a number of bilateral and multilateral projects and networks. Special emphasis within the international cooperation is being placed on the cooperation with universities from neighbouring countries, the region of Western Balkans, countries of former Soviet-Union, as well as South-East and East Asia. Currently, the University runs an ambitious cooperation scheme with more than 60 partner universities within the European Union and 24 partnerships in countries beyond Europe.
The Faculty of Economics and Business (hereinafter referred to as “FEP”) was the second faculty of the Pan-European University and opened its doors to first students in the academic year 2005/2006. The main focus of the profile of the faculty is to raise young economists of international success. Practically oriented studies, research based domestic and international knowledge of current economic phenomenons, giving a well-balanced complex economic thinking of students are the milestones being aimed by the faculty. The studies are offered at all three cycles of university education – bachelor, master´s and PhD.
FEP and FaME have established a long-term cooperation in the field of science, research and education. The faculties participate on many international research projects, develop their cooperation in doctoral program, in scientific research activities, international exchange of teachers and have rich common publishing activities. Common scientific outputs of their research have been published in reputable scientific databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. FEP is involved as a publishing partner in the Journal of Competitiveness.
University of Business and Law
University of Business and Law (UBL) is a private university college, founded by the fusion of two reputable universities with a long tradition – University of Business (VŠP) and University of Managerial Informatics, Economics and Law (VŠMIEP). Thanks to this strategic alliance University of Business and Law can offer the unique combination of disciplines at bachelor's and master's levels. All offered degree programs are a unique combination of courses meeting the current needs of the competitive labour market. UBL offers a friendly and comfortable environment with the creative atmosphere focused on high quality education and employability of graduates.
UBL have established a long-term cooperation with FAME in such various areas, as the pedagogical process, scientific activities in the field of doctoral studies and publishing activities. Academics from these institutions cooperated on several international scientific projects and prepared a range of scientific outputs that were published in reputable scientific databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. UBL is involved as a publishing partner in the Journal of Competitiveness.
The University College of Business in Prague
The University College of Business in Prague (VŠO) is a private college with accredited study programs in International Territorial Studies and Economy and Management in Transport and Communications. Over the 16 years of its existence the College of Business in Prague (VŠO) has achieved great results and increased awareness in the educational sphere with current attendance of about 3 000 students.
VŠO offers bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in full-time as well as in part-time study. A bachelor’s degree can be completed in the programs of Tourism, Air Transport, Aviation Services in Tourism, Guide Activities and Development of Human Resources in Economy of Transport. Graduates with the bachelor’s degree can complete their master’s degree in Tourism Management or Aviation Business Management.
The aim of VŠO is primarily excellent labor market inclusion of its graduates. Therefore it focuses on students gaining work experience during their studies. Students work on special projects, have mandatory internships and can participate in professional competitions.
VŠO also cooperates with the Association of Czech Travel Agents, the Czech Association of Hotels and Restaurants, Czech Republic Guides Association, the Czech Association of Aviation Operators, the Confederation of the Czech Aviation Industry and others.
The University College of Business in Prague is a member of distinguished European organizations active in tourism, air transport or education, and a partner of a number of European universities. It is also the only associated member of the World Tourism Organization UNWTO in the Czech Republic.
VŠO cooperates with FaME in the field of science and research, participates on the international scientific conferences organized by FAME, and co-organizes the scientific conferences Economics, Management, Finance and Social Attributes of Economic System (EMFSA 2016). Academics from these universities cooperate in the preparation of a number of international scientific projects and prepare a variety of high-quality publication outputs. VSO is involved as a publishing partner in the Journal of Competitiveness.
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Faculty of socio-economic relations (FSEV) was established in 1997 upon the commencement of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. The decision to establish a new Faculty oriented towards social and business aspects of economic and social development was connected with the needs for development of Trenčín region. It was in accordance with global trends regarding a progress of the social and economic sciences at the turn of the millennium.
FSEV prepares specialists in the area of Personnel Management, Human Resources, Economics and Management of Public Sector in accredited study programmes of the first and second degree of tertiary education.
FSEV has a long term cooperation with FaME in the area of science, research and publishing activities. In the past both Faculties cooperated on realisation of the international conference Finance and company productivity in science, education and practice which is regularly organised by the Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín. Academics of FaME regularly attend international scientific conferences which are organised by FSEV. Importantly, they cooperate on international scientific projects and both academic staffs participated on preparation of Visegrad Fund and more international projects. Academics of FSEV have been regularly publishing their scientific work in the Journal of Competitiveness. Both faculty staffs cooperate in publishing activities and so far have prepared several manuscripts which were published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. FSEV is also a publishing partner in the Journal of Competitiveness.
Széchenyi István University, Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics
Image Prior to Széchenyi István University´s Inception as a university economist training started in 1990, then later in 1992 a Bachelor degree programe was introduced. The economics training course was under the guidance of the Institute of Economics, which was established in 1991. Later in 1993 it became the Faculty of Economics. From 1st September 1998 the Minister of Public Education with the assistance of the Accreditation Committee and the Scientific Council of Higher Education gave permission to start the Master´s programme in economics. Since autumn of 2001 full time students have gained admission to a five-year that is ten-semester programme. The four year International Relations (BSc) training course started in 1999 while the seven-semester International Communication (BSc) training course began in 2002. In the meantime all types of courses are now offered at the Bachelor through to the Master´s level and in distance-correspondence, specialised further training and currently in e-learning distance learning.
On 1st January 2002 Széchenyi István College was granted the rank of university. On this particular occasion two faculties – the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and the Faculty of Law and Economics – were formed. The Faculty of Economics has become one of the Institutes of the Faculty of Law and Economics. In 2004 the Multidisciplinary Doctoral School for Social Sciences was launched, entitled Economics, Law, Regionalism and Society for the integration of Central Europe. Four new Bachelor courses started in 2006 these are Business Administration and Management a (in full-time and distance learning), Trade and Marketing, Public Administration Management, and International Studies. As for the latter three these are offered in full-time and correspondence types of programmes. The faculty started three Master´s courses in 2008 these are Regional and Environmental Economic Studies, International Economics and Business Studies, and Marketing and one in 2009 this is Management-organization. All of them are available as full time and correspondence courses. The Marketing course has been offered also in English since September 2009. The European Credit Transfer System will be introduced and used in all Bachelor and Master´s courses from 2009. From 1st January 2008 the Faculty of Law and Economics operate as two separate faculties. Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics, which is responsible for education in economics, consists of six departments: Department of Marketing and Management, Department of International Communication, Department of International Studies, Department of Regional Studies and Public Policy and the Center of Foreign Languages.
Széchenyi István University joined the ERASMUS programme in 1998. It was in 2001 that we first accepted incoming students from abroad. The Faculty has been taking part in an EU Sixth Framework Programme entitled ‘Corporate Culture and Regional Embeddedness’ (CURE) and is a member of an international organization called ‘Network of International Business Schools’ (NIBS).
The faculty is predominantly engaged in research in applied economics. It is involved in intensive cooperation between the multinational companies in Győr and its area and also the national small and medium-sized enterprises.
FaME and Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics, Széchenyi István University cooperate in the field of science and research and it is involved as a publishing partner in the Journal of Competitiveness.
Óbuda University, The Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
Budapest Tech (predecessor institute of Óbuda University) was established in 2000 as a result of the amalgamation of three technical colleges. Following the nearly 130-year old traditions of its forbears, these days Óbuda University is responsible for training altogether 13,000 students in Budapest and Székesfehérvár. When Budapest Tech was founded, the formerly separately taught economics and social science subjects were integrated into one independently managed organizational unit the Keleti Faculty of Business and Management, the institutes of which are Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Enterprise Management and Institute of Management and Organization.
The Keleti Faculty of Business and Management offers training courses in compliance with the Bologna System: Technical Management (BSc), Business Administration and Management (BA), Commerce and Marketing (BA), Business Development (MSc), Teacher of Engineering (engineering manager) (MA). The courses are tailored to the demands of the labor market. Life-long learning is one of our basic principles including the acquisition of up-to-date knowledge, new skills and abilities as well as professional competences.
The Keleti Faculty of Business and Management has an organizational culture, where basic and applied researches are both encouraged. The internationally acknowledged R&Dt programmes of the faculty have benefited from the support of the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) and the European Union. Our results are presented in national and international publications as well as at international conferences and scientific workshops. Our colleagues also create nationally recognised textbooks. Each year we organise two international conferences: MEB (Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking) in April and FIKUSZ (Symposium for Young Researchers) in November. Since 2008 our conference proceedings and our working paper series are indexed by