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Journal of Competitiveness

Trade Credit and Bank Finance – Evidence from the Visegrad Group

Ashiqur Rahman, Zoltan Rozsa, Martin Cepel

Klíčová slova
trade credit, bank finance, small and medium-sized enterprises, Visegrad Group

This paper examines whether bank finance is a substitute or complementary to trade credit for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the region of the Visegrad Group – the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, and the Slovak Republic. This paper uses the data set provided by the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey that was conducted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank during the period from 2012 to 2014. Using a sample of 1,140 firms, it was discovered that firms having an overdraft facility from banks use more trade credit, and this supports the complementary theory of bank credit and trade credit. Moreover, the results suggest that companies that are younger, innovative, risky, with a concentrated ownership structure and operated by an experienced manager use more trade credit to purchase their material inputs and services. However, the results also show that service-oriented firms use less trade credit than manufacturing firms.

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Trade Credit and Bank Finance – Evidence from the Visegrad Group [PDF soubor] [Velikost souboru: 658.61 KB]


Rahman, A., Rozsa, Z., Cepel, M. (2018). Trade Credit and Bank Finance – Evidence from the Visegrad Group. Journal of Competitiveness, 10(3), 132-148. https://doi.org/10.7441/joc.2018.03.09

Journal of Competitiveness


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